
ConocoPhillips is an ICOM client. They have their own corporate LMS SuccessFactors.

FiLMS (decommissioned)

Contractor Portal:(decommissioned)

Admin login:(decommissioned)


Conoco Phillips - Process Safety Awareness Course

Saba LMS

750x507 viewable, due to LMS header

Process Safety Awareness Course

Process Safety Awareness Course is an ICOM course for Conoco Phillips

  • LMS?
    • OE Express, competency tracking, HR tracking, better reporting,able to provider learning based on roles, used in oil field and most field workers.
    • Learning Express, LMS, Used corporate and field workers, probably going to be run through here.
      • In charge of email and certification
      • Going to be rolled out as mandatory
      • SCORM 1.2 and AICC
      • Kelly Law or Chloe Radetzkym, Alistar power user
      • To send test package through Jan to Barry at CP, scorm test course appears to be successful.
  • Reports/Quiz not needed for question level reporting
    • Multiple choice with feedback
    • pass/fail with mastery of 80%
  • Certificate? No, Learning Express should "provide something"


  • They use Citrix but course wont be running through that
  • Probably going with CD/USB and put the quiz in LE
  • Classroom is not desirable

update to course:

  • process safety

in index.html upon completion it will set score of 100 due to client's request even though there isn't a quiz that records such a score. - tobias

case "LMSSetValue": var sep = args.indexOf(","); var value = (sep != -1) ? scoAPI.LMSSetValue(args.substr(0, sep), args.substr(sep+1)) : scoAPI.LMSSetValue(args, ""); //-- if(DEBUG) debugDiag(command+'("'+args+'\")'+'\n'); //-- //Conoco - if completed return 100 as score if(-1 != args.indexOf("cmi.core.lesson_status,completed")){ scoAPI.LMSSetValue("cmi.core.score.raw", "100"); }